
Smarted srl

Napoli, Italy

Smarted srl is an innovative start-up (under Law 221/2012) which was created as a spin-off of scientific research activities of its members in the field of Cognitive Science. It was born with the goal of developing innovative applications in order to support activities / needs of the socio-cognitive of people (such as play, learn, teach, support and maintain neuro-cognitive functions). The company works closely with major universities and research centers, including the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the CNR and the Natural and Artificial Cognition Lab (NAC) of the University of Naples Federico II from which comes the cultural background and its scientific activities. Although the company is newly established (13/03/2017), researchers who are part of the company have many years of experience in the development and management of scientific research projects and the production of scientific material. This experience has led to the development of interactive objects/prototypes such as simulations, Robots, Serious Games, Role Playing and interactive learning platforms. SMARTED worked in 7 Erasmus+ (4 ongoing). In all the projects described below the company is responsible of the development of the technological side of the project, working with the innovative application of Augmented Reality tools (Tangible User Interfaces – TUIs), development of Serious Games, or APP creation. In addition, Smarted focuses its work also for inclusion. SM created an APP for Android that aims at improving the communications skills in people with special needs or multisensory disabilities using TUIs. See the video on the National Italian TV Channel (RAI2 – Medicina 33), where the CEO of Smarted Raffaele Di Fuccio, shows the Application (Interview in Italian) :

The projects are:

  • ACCORD (Attain Cultural integration through COnflict Resolution skill Development) E+KA3 – ACCORD aims support teachers in handling conflict and dealing with cultural diversity by creating, assessing and upscaling an integrated online practice that combines MOOC delivery and Serious Games
  • DoCENT (Digital Creativity ENhanced in Teacher Education) – E+KA2 DoCENT project’s main goal was to make teacher educators adopt pedagogical strategies that foster creativity and innovation
  • ALEAS (Adaptive LEArning in Statistics) E+KA2 The core of the ALEAS project is the development and implementation of an adaptive learning system embedded in an open access framework (MOOC), by developing an APP for statistics exercises.
  • EULALIA (Enhancing University Language courses with an App powered by game-based Learning and tangible user Interfaces Activities) E+ KA2 EULALIA aims are to develop a methodology for the language teaching/learning for Erasmus Students by using inclusive and multisensorial methodologies based TUIs and Mobile Learning by producing the authoring tool for the mobile context.
  • MERGO (Mooc in Enology aimed at Reinforcing competences applying Game-based approach and Olfactive learning for the wine tasting) – E+ KA2 MERGO aims to bridge a MOOC developed by a strategic partnership of HEI and organization in the wine business sector bringing the procedural learning for the recognition of sensory features by using new ICT paradigms: TUIs and the gamification approach.
  • KnIghtS oF thE EuroPean Grail – creating a game-based approach for learning Italian, Spanish, French, English, Portuguese and German – E+ KA2 The project aims at developing, testing and implementing a game application based on an attractive storytelling for language learning to be played on mobile digital devices.
  • BLUE ARROW E+KA2 The project aims to create an innovative pedagogical approach for teacher education that involve the development of a MOOC and the implementation of these practices in HEI courses for teacher education.