
Scuola Centrale Formazione Associazione SCF

Venezia, Italy

SCF is a no-profit organisation recognized by the Ministry of Labour linking together 47 organisations that manage 106 VET centres from 11 Regions. SCF is registered to the National Register for Research Institutes (n. H18907U) and to Cliclavoro/Ministry of Labour as national intermediation agency for job placement (L736S011661). SCF is certified by CSQA under UNI EN ISO 9001:2010 standards. SCF’s staff is made of 11 full-time e 2 part-time employees; 3 persons are assigned to the administration area; the operational staff is in charge of activities design and implementation, coordination of the association’s network, relations with stakeholders. In 2019, annual turnover was up to 4,229,002.00 Euros while its balance sheet accounted 2,909,085.00 Euros for the activities/services provided. In 2020, the SCF’s VET members delivered together 16,619,036 hours of training for 24,456 learners and 2,320 staff people involved (out of which 1,490 teachers). The main activities of our associated members: vocational training (free of cost) for young people aged 14-17 still in compulsory education, including apprenticeship, in a variety of sectors (healthcare included); targeted programmes (including counselling, support, training and activation measures, work-experiences, etc.) for the unemployed and the disadvantaged groups (including specific courses for disabled students); services for disadvantaged groups – disabled/neurodiverse adults and minors, refugees, unemployed or low qualified adults, etc.: residential communities, daily centres, job insertion, counselling, etc. At the national level, SCF promotes, for all its associated members, and promotes continuous support activities for: Excellence in VET through Digitalization, Green approach and Innovation of the training and learning processes based on technologies, alternative methodologies, and reorganization of the learning contexts Continuous Innovative Training for the educational staff Promotion of specific inclusion and learning methodologies for trainees with special needs (including disabled and neurodiverse teenagers and adults) The transition from school to the job market Organization of events on relevant arguments and exchange of best practices SCF represents its members in the following national networks: – CONFAP  – Gio.Net.  which adheres to YES Forum  – Offenders Pathways to Employment National Network. At the Eu level SCF has a structured Internalization Strategy: since 2004, it has been involved, as promoter or partner, in 48 EU projects financed by ERASMUS+ KA1, KA2, KA3 and SPORT, pilot schemes, IPA Adriatic, Interreg Italy/Slovenia and Italy/Croatia, LLP, Daphne, Progress, AGIS, Pilot VET mobility scheme for the Enlargement countries and Africa; 10 UE funded projects are still running today. SCF represents its associates in different EU networks: EfVET , CEC , NetInvet , InnMain , AMFORHT. SCF is member of C’Entro Association, which is associated to the EU network Eurocarers. It is also member of FARI, which is associated to AIMFR. In 2018, SCF was awarded the European Funding for Excellence for the Erasmus+ project “MoLVET”.