PR2 - E-kit material for the development of MHPs’ resilience skills

Elliniki Etaireia Thetikis Psichologias

Needs Analysis

R2 aims to design the POSITIVE ACADEMY’s e- kit content for the development of the resilience skills for MHPs, who face several work adversities, especially during COVID-19 pandemic. Particularly, the content of the e-kit will be used for online or offline self-study and self-growth. The POSITIVE ACADEMY e-kit will be based on EQF and ECVET guidelines and will be designed for EQF level 6 due to the complexity, range and level of learning expected to be achieved by MHPs. The e-kit will include six training modules, each of which focus on different aspects of MHPs’ resilience cultivation: Module 1-Positive emotions and savoring: MHPs will learn how to recognize, express, and provoke positive emotions and ways to savor positive events in their work and life. Module 2-Positive relationships: MHPs will learn how to build positive relationships with others though positive communication, gratitude, social support, and forgiveness. Module 3-Character strengths: MHPs will learn how to recognize and use the positive elements of their character in new ways to overcome the difficulties. Module 4-Self- compassion: MHPs will cultivate ways to reduce self-criticism and learn how to become kind with their selves to face work and everyday problems. Module 5-Meaning and purpose: MHPs will learn how to find a positive meaning on the difficulties of their profession and their lives. Module 6-Mindfulness and positive stress mindset: MHPs will learn how to focus on the positive effects of stress through self-regulation and mindfulness techniques.

Target Groups

The target groups of R2 are:

  • MHPs
  • VET Providers, who work with MHPs
  • stakeholders.

Elements of Innovation

The most innovative part of R2 is the creation of a complete Educational approach, which combines a training guide for MHPs, with techniques and methodologies that are linked to the Adult and Positive Education field. The project is innovative in the way it brings together the Positive Psychology and Positive Counselling approach and the familiarization with digital technologies, enhancing the creative adaptation of new techniques in the workplace. The project is also innovative as it promotes a holistic educational approach dedicated to the training and professional needs of the MHPs, which are not addressed from another Erasmus+ project in the past.

Expected Impact

The training content will be freely accessible on project’s platform. Registered users and their organizations will be part of the dissemination network of the POSITIVE ACADEMY. The expected impact is the adoption of an innovative training methodology that will cover the need for empowering the resilience of MHPs. This innovative training is needed at a time, when virtual working environments are becoming the main mode of working and studying. In this new context, empowering digital competencies will go hand in hand with enhancing resilience and tackling work-related stress.

Quantitative Indicators

  • 3 supervisors per partner will be trained during the online joint activity (n=21).
  • 25 participants per partner will be trained during the national pilot webinars (n=175).

The IT partner will be responsible only for the technical aspects of R2.

Transferability Potential

The sharing of educational approaches and methodologies, which will happen during the online joint activity will guarantee the validation of the final version of the training material. Also, access to the training content by both pilot and further users will create a wide base of target groups’ members that will come in touch with R2 outcomes from all participating countries. Moreover, the training material could be adjusted and be used to satisfy the training needs of other profession groups, e.g. health providers, teachers, and customer services workers. The POSITIVE ACADEMY e-kit will be available in English and in the respective languages of the partners.