PR4 - European Mental Healthcare Community (Five EU Info Days)


Needs Analysis

R4 aims to gather the European Mental Healthcare Community, by creating a non-formal Network of representative organizations and professionals all around Europe through EU Info-Days/Participatory Events. The concept of the Network will approach the wellbeing of the MHPs and will be mainly focused on the creation of a “Positive community” aimed to be involved in training, dissemination activities and learn how they can create their own “Dream Project” by sharing ideas, and innovative solutions. Also, the members of the Positive Community will discuss, agree on, and sign a Memorandum of Future Collaboration. The ultimate goal is to ensure how they can continue their Network even after the project’s completion. The final deliverable will be Policy-Recommendations that will came up through these Info-Days.

Target Groups

The target groups of R4 are:

  • MHPs,
  • VET Providers, who work with MHPs, and
  • stakeholders (MHP associations, organizations, and local authorities etc).

Elements of Innovation

The whole R4 is profoundly innovative. More specifically, the innovation here lies in the creation of a European and national network that is interested on assisting MHPs find better ways to confront their work stressors, especially during the pandemic, and to cultivate skills, knowledge, life tools and protective factors against secondary trauma, and burn-out. This European Community will work as a unit to make a plan on how this project’s results can be disseminated, implemented in each cultural context, adjusted to other professional groups, and flourish in the future. In this way, the members of the Community will discuss, agree on, and sign a Memorandum of Future Collaboration in order to sustain the projects outcomes in the future, and they will result in a future project idea, tailor made for the currents and future needs of MHPs.

Expected Impact

The MHPs and the VET trainers will:

  • Interact with other professionals and expand their network.
  • Ensure their personal development by raising their knowledge and skills.
  • Be recognized as experts in the field of enhancing resilience levels locally and at an EU level.
  • Be aware about good practices and initiatives applied locally and at an EU level.

The stakeholders will:

  • Take advantage of a new Network that can offer good chances for future collaboration.
  • Be aware about the Project’s topic, as a good initiative that can be applied to their context.
  • Exploit and adapt innovative educational tools that can be integrated also to other contexts for similar or different training needs.
  • Collaborate with the consortium during the Project.

Also, R4 will create long-lasting outcomes of this project, that will benefit all involved, among which the partners of the consortium. Moreover, a new project idea will be developed and be used in future European or local projects.

Quantitative Indicators

  • 100 participants (per country) will join each EU Info-Day (n=600);
  • 24 Memorandum of Collaboration for exploitation of project products will be signed by the consortium (3 per partner)

Transferability Potential

In the EU Info- Days will be invited participants from the consortium countries but also from other European Countries.

They will be recruited from existing networks and European professional associations. This will assure the transferability of project results. Also, the reports of each EU Info-Day, the Memorandum of Future Collaboration, and the report of the new “Dream Project” idea will be translated from English to the five partner’s national languages, which will ensure the transferability of the project outcomes to many national contexts. In addition, the Memorandum of Future Collaborations will ensure the transferability of project outcomes to both national and European contexts. Also, the results of the EU Info-Days and the new project idea could be easily adjusted to other professional groups, eg other healthcare providers or customer service